
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Number 1

4. Turkey, avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, hot mustard on homemade bread sandwich and two friends picnic high on a hill over looking Betsy Bay. 5. Loreli just ahead peddling her pink vintage Schwinn. 6. Gray-headed golf-vested Lutherans stand around in geraniums and swizzle "Lutheran Lemonade". 7. Bright purple-blue wild iris strain through a highway marsh. 8. Little fish leap like miniature dolphins to feast on evening mosquitoes 9. Michael, the autistic pianist, grins over the upright and bangs out verse 4 page 347. 10. Tom plays the Bagpipes against the sunset: amazing grace how sweet the sound. I once was lost but now I'm found. 11. Dorothy is 77 and she accelerates around the curves; her long pink nails grip the wheel and she makes quick quick adjustments that lurch lurch the car. I am happy to survive the outing to the Cherry Hut over in Buelah. 12. The same Orion lights up the sky over Lake Michigan and Jarabacoa.


  1. How does one edit a double "feeling"?

    1. Sadly, don't think you can edit your own posts. Will work to see if that's the case. I'll fix it for you in the meantime! Love it! Need help with a little blurb introducing the blog, and feel free to suggest alternate verse/tagline.

  2. love. I know how to edit your own posts. will show you
