
About Us

We're a group of pretty awesome women who have been meeting to study the bible for going on ten years now.  We started off in a florescent lit church basement dungeon-feeling room, occasionally watching Kay Arthur videotapes, bad shoulder pads and all.   Never ones to serve up casseroles anyway, we've moved up from the basement to cozier spots to meet.  We still like Kay at times, but we fellowship and follow our hearts and our study to the places and methods following Jesus leads us.  We've all been through a rough patch or two.  Now that we're up from the church basement, we're interested in building a foundation based on recognizing the gifts we've been given, and sharing them with the world.  To that end, we're currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and have committed to sharing the gifts of our daily lives with each other on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I think I am posting in the wrong spot, but not sure what I did with my e-mail invite! Gonna start anyway so I don't procrastinate anymore!

    My gifts:

    1) The Lord reminding me that Stephen is so excited about his graduation because it is his first graduation. I had overlooked that. The reminder to make a big deal of it!

    2) I am not tired today and desperate for a nap.

    3) The dishes are done

    4) My mom just "happening" to pop by last weekend when I was sick in bed--so great because I just want my mom when I am sick in bed.

    5) The Lord showing me through Phillipians that my work for Him is about advancing the Gospel. Needed the reminder of that simple truth.

    6) Some cute little gifts from Gabe's

    7) The Celtic Women CD which helps Isaiah get to sleep

    8) Realizing that I actually like tutoring more than any other job I have had

    9) The excitement of meeting up with Stephen's family today for a celebratory lunch. 3 brothers all graduating this summer! His mom and her faithful prayers bearing fruit.

    10) Time with my niece on Thursday who shared: "I know Jesus died for my sins."

    11) My younger brother loving his b-day gift from me

    12) Much done with preparing for Isaiah's b-day party

    13) No work today!

    14) My hair is dyed, grays covered. It is hard to do without dyeing the bathroom too.

    15) My sweet little boy letting me just hold him today and look at his face without trying to get down.
