
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last day Arcadia Camp

4. Turkey, avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, hot mustard on homemade bread sandwich -- threefriends picnic high on a hill over looking Betsy Bay. 5. Loreli just ahead peddling her pink vintage Schwinn. 6. Gray-headed golf-vested Lutherans stand around in geraniums and swizzle "Lutheran Lemonade". 7. Bright purple-blue wild iris strain through a highway marsh. 8. Little fish leap like miniature dolphins to feast on evening mosquitoes 9. Michael, the autistic pianist, grins over the upright and bangs out verse 4 page 347. 10. Tom plays the Bagpipes against the sunset: amazing grace how sweet the sound. I once was lost but now I'm found. 11. Dorothy is 77 and she accelerates around the curves; her long pink nails grip the wheel and she makes quick quick adjustments that lurch lurch the car. I am happy to survive the outing to the Cherry Hut over in Buelah. 12. The same Orion lights up the sky over Lake Michigan and Jarabacoa.

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